Pay Per Appointment is an appointment based service where we not only generate and verify the service request for Home, Shop and Office Interior but we also follow up and fix an appointment between you and the customers.
The service works on a Pre-paid model, where you need to buy a package having certain number of appointments.
How It Works-
The Professional buys a package of Pay Per Appointment having a certain number of appointments.
The Professional can download the appointment lead with the help of a coupon issued with the pre-paid package of Pay Per Appointment.
The Professional can use the same coupon multiple times depending on the package.
Design Ramp will assign a dedicated Appointment Co-ordinator to each and every professional, who will follow up with the customers and fix the appointment with the Professional.
The Professional will get the details of the Appointment Co-ordinator with the copy of Appointment Lead.
Date & Time of the appointment with the details of the Homeowner i. e., Name, Contact Number, Email ID, WhatsApp/Alternate Number (If Available), Complete Address will be shared by the Appointment Co-ordinator after fixing the appointment within the stipulated Turn Around Time (TAT).
The maximum turn around time for the Appointment Co-ordinator to fix the appointment between the customer and the professional is 15 (Fifteen) working days from the date of download of the appointment lead.
If the Appointment Co-ordinator is unable to fix the appointment between the customer and the professional in 15 (Fifteen) working days from the appointment purchase date, Design Ramp will recharge the given coupon within a days time to download another appointment lead of your choice. (Please check the Appointment Cancellation Policy at https://www.designramp.in/appointment-policy)
Refund policy would be applicable on Pro Data Basis (Please check the Refund Policy at https://www.designramp.in/refund-policy)
Information included in the Appointment Lead-
Date & Time of the Lead Validation
Property Location
Property Type
Property Category
Service Type
Project Overview
Service Required
Remarks- If Any
Budget- If Any
Possession Details
Note- Date & Time of the appointment with the details of the Homeowner i. e., Name, Contact Number, Email ID, WhatsApp/Alternate Number (If Available), Complete Address will be shared by the Appointment Co-ordinator after fixing the appointment within the stipulated Turn Around Time (TAT).
Modus Operandi-
- Appointment Lead will be verified by the Lead Verification Team of Design Ramp.
Appointment Lead will be posted with the above mentioned information on the Pay Per Appointment section of the webpage.
An alert will be sent to the Professional via email and sms soon after the posting
The Professional can download the Appointment Lead of their choice by a coupon code applicable as per the purchased pre-paid package.
We acknowledge that we verify each and every data or information provided in the Appointment Lead on the recorded telephonic line to insure the quality of the lead, with the homeowner on the mentioned Date & Time. We will neither be responsible for the closure of the deal, nor any kind of service and payment terms made between the homeowner and service provider (Professional). The Homeowner has full right to close the deal with any other service provider within or apart from Design Ramp Professionals even before and after contacting the Homeowner.